Friday, March 19, 2010

A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose And By Any Other Name Is A Rose.

My students are painting one to two flowers max. in a simple bud vase this week at Sacramento City College. We are all working on 8"X10" canvases with a limited palette of Titanium white, Napthol Red, Cad. Yellow, Ultramarine Blue, and Mars Black. This is mine, and I'll post some of my student's work next week. Compare this to my Coca-cola painting two posts back...guess I'm in my Yellow period.


  1. Beautiful. I particularly like the left edge of the rose. Thanks for posting this fabulous creation of art.

  2. Love the loose, brisk brush strokes and luminous colors. The rose bud looks luscious!

  3. What a perfect and most exquisite rose!

  4. Loose, brisk brush strokes...let me see...who paints so well that way? Oh, I know!...Jennifer McChristian! You are always an inspiration.

  5. Autumn, what I wanted my class to do is to observe their flowers very carefully, then squint to try to get the impression of them without painting a lot of detail with small brushes. Check out Jennifer McChristian and Carol Marine, if you haven't already.

  6. ".guess I'm in my Yellow period."
    I think you're in your terrific and prolific period.
    I love that swooshy precision you demonstrate so well.

  7. Comrade Bonnie, You make a good point...I'm may also be in my "yellow AND "swooshy" period. I love to see paint precisely swooshed, and a dude who did that very well was John Singer Sargent.

  8. I just splurged on a release of a book on Joaquin Sorolla that is worth every penny of $75.
    If you love to look at and wonder about the use of color and the squishy, fearless use of strokes, I can't recommend this enough.
    Although he has some portrait work that is more refined, his women and children on the beaches of Spain in that golden sun will make you swoon.
    Amazon has it and it's magnificent,

  9. Thanks comrade Bonnie! I shall check him out.

  10. I love this and can't wait to see the student work too!

  11. Thanks, Celeste. student work to be posted soon (after I grade them).

  12. I like the perspective on this piece. It will be interesting to see the student versions.

  13. Onpainting, Your wish is my command. In about a week or two, I will be posting some student paintings.
