Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Late last month, I did a portrait workshop in water color AND acrylic... simultaneously. The attendees were both watercolorists and acrylic (and oil) painters. So here's how it worked: I would start laying down the basic light and middle skin tones in water color while painting on a flat table with an overhead mirror above so that my watercolorists could see what I was doing. While the washes were drying, I went to my stool and easel to start the skin tones (on the same female subject) in acrylic and on a stretched canvas. Whilst the acrylic paint was drying, back to the h2o table to continue on the next stage of the water color portrait (on 140lb cold press). Then... back and to the easel... then back to water color table... back to the easel... back to the water color table ... you get the idea. This crazed and schizoid activity went from portrait start to portrait finish, and everyone went home happy!! I couldn't believe it! Would I do this again? Show me the money and don't be cheap!


  1. And they say men can't multitask! Way to prove 'em wrong David!

  2. Go David, what a performance! Can we see the finished products up close?

  3. Wow, sounds like a one person tennis match! I bet you had them in the palm of your hand. What virtuosity. I think this must have been a great demonstration of the difference between the two mediums. Please publish the results.

  4. Hyperactive painting - I love it! Your ability to concentrate must be amazing.

  5. Amber, why yes!...I'm a multi tasking man, but it was exhausting!

  6. Bobbi, yes indeedy...I'll post them soon.

  7. Myrna, I like that!...a one person tennis match. It really tired out "both" of the painters!

  8. Kathy, Wow!...that's a good description, "hyperactive painting".

  9. Great concept and even with a glimse of the work clearly successful. I'm impressed big time.

  10. Wow. You are an impressive painter, and an energetic one. Lucky people at that demo.

    Take care,


  11. Are you sure you don't have a hyperactivity disorder? I'm not surprised you were exhausted! Very gutsy too!

  12. Thanks, Barbara. Would I do this stunt again?...hmmm.

  13. Davida (lifeartist), Well, I thought I wasn't hperactive, but maybe at times I get carried away!
