Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Man Paints Dog

This last Sunday was the first day of the First Annual Sacramento Plein Air Festival. This is the very first plein air event I've been in. I was out Sunday painting en plein air on a lazy street of a tiny delta farm town named Courtland (famous for it's annual Pear Fair in the middle of July when the average temperature at that time is a 100! They still draw a good crowd!!). It was somewhat breezy so I painted in the shelter of the back of my gas guzzling Toyota Forerunner. No problem parking any old where on the street of a tiny farm town...quiet, no traffic, few people except for the street dog taking it easy in front of an old empty Roman Classic-style bank building that hasn't seen life in decades. It was a fine day communing with dog and bank.


  1. Very nice David! Again I like your foreground.

  2. Thanks, David. Yep, painting a "simple" paved road like that is a challenge.

  3. A Greek temple with a stop sign. Real Americana-the sublime with the bizaar! Well done sir!

  4. Thanks Davida (Lifeartist). If only you could see the ramshackled neighborhood it sits in! A real diamond in the rough effect.

  5. Forgive me, I missed the medium and size (although I can sort of see the size in the one shot of the easel). Is this acrylic? Or oil. I love this and can't believe it is your first en plein air!!! Wow. I love your work.

  6. Any painting with a dog in it is my fa-vor-rite. ;-)

