Saturday, September 5, 2009

One more post for today

This is a triptych acrylic painting on three stretched canvases that each measure 12"X46". It is a commission piece of Lover's Leap just before the summit on Hwy. 50 leading down to South Lake Tahoe. The lucky souls that commissioned me own the cabin that has this view! Not to be outdone, when I look out my window, I see the setting sun coming through my lawn sprinklers, and that really ain't no shabby view! Some day I will do a painting of this. But...I digress...the Lover's Leap triptch is by no means complete, but it's about 20% past the halfway point (would that bring it to 70% done?), so I'm feeling good about getting it off my easel soon, and getting onto other stuff. An artist's work is never done! I'll post the finish on this one as well.


  1. Will the owners of this wonderful piece be hanging it at the cabin, or at home to remind them of the cabin? I love that area, everything is so big and open up there. When my son was at CRC I didn't find out until after the fact (thank Heaven) that his mountaineering class had climbed that rock. He said it was fun, but once was enough.

  2. Very cool. I like seeing the progression of the painting.


  3. Jan, They are going to hang it in their home here in Sactown. You couldn't pay me enough to climb that rock!

  4. This is beautiful David, and I love
    watching your progress. 70% wow? It's looking amazing right now. I don't know where it has to go, but it's great. I love triptychs. Are you stretching your own canvasses, or do you buy these thin beauties pre-stretched?

    Take care,


  5. Barbara. Thank you. I'm going to deepen the values on the granite and work on details in the stream. I never, ever stretch canvas. Too much damn work. I just wanna paint.

  6. The triptych is beautiful. It looks a lot like Mt. Ranier.

  7. Thanks, Davida. I'm hoping to complete this painting within a week or two and shall post the result.
