Friday, September 18, 2009

Eat Meat and Support the Cosmetics Industry!

The 2nd Self Portrait Global Love In challenge (your self portrait with something on your head) is now posted on my second blog blog! I will be announcing a 3rd self portrait challenge as soon as I can garner some ideas from any you out in blogland. I need ideas, please!.. pretty please with whipping cream and a cherry on top! This is my 2nd challenge entry. I got the goofy hat years ago from my local butcher. Guess what? Rendering companies make regular weekly stops at butcher stores and super markets to pick up bone, meat, and grease! I was told that after the rendering process (whatever that is), some of the final product goes into the manufacturing of facial and body cosmetics! I'm pretty sure that meat by products also go into the making of soaps and jello.


  1. Hi David,

    How about a self-portrait with a favorite pet, with a child, in a favorite location. Your self-portrait is superb. Natch.

    Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas.

    Take care,


  2. Ever see the movie "Fight Club"?

  3. I love the colors in this painting! Very cool. Maybe for your next challenge a profile self portrait? That may be too difficult for people that don't paint from photos like I do but I always loved a nice profile...

  4. I love these David, although I've not been able to participate yet, it's always a lot of fun looking at all the wonderful portraits that come from the challenge.

    Idea for your next one: A Reflective self portrait. Meaning you have to paint a self portrait from the view of your image being reflected in another object. A Mirror, a body of water...etc.

  5. I had no idea your blog was so educational, David!
    I like the idea of the reflective self portrait a lot - you could really play with that if you're reflected in water!

  6. This SP made me laugh, Dave! No kidding. the image is sooo Yoouuuuu! It reflects your personality and really does tell a story about you. Great job!

  7. Sorry I missed the deadline for this last challenge. Too much going on. I will be able to make the next one. How about self portrait as an Historical person or in the style of your favorite artist, a charicature of yourself or we could paint each other. The last has been done before as an on-line challenge, but it would still be fun.

  8. David,
    Two snaps up! Captures your personality, wonderfully. I'm giving you 25 points for this portrait.


  9. Thanks for the ideas, Barbara. I just put them in the official digital SPGLI idea basket!

  10. Well now, Terry, you have me guessing. Was the lead a devilishly handsome, finely chisel featured meat renderer like me?

  11. Yes Lauren, profile SP's could be kool,

  12. This idea, Lori, goes into the official SPGLI idea basket!

  13. Rhonda Carpenter, Yes, there is no level that I cannot reach in the educational dept. It may be awfully low, but still, it's a level.

  14. The SPGLI staff (me) missed your paticipation in this one, Myrna! That's an interesting idea about trading and having another artist doing your portrait. Into the SPGLI idea basket it goes!

  15. Thanks, Mike. I always try to reflect my station in life.

  16. I'm always looking for discarded meat waste and bonus points. Thanks GC!

  17. I love the hard hat! what about an artifact self-portrait? Paint the things that are indicative one's personality as well as one's occupation? It might be combined with a reflective self-portrait as it could be sneaked in with a reflective artifact.

  18. Well, yes, David, you can be Brad Pitt's twin. At the risk of looking like I missed an inside joke, I'll say that I was referring to the act of rendering particular kind of fat to make soap....

  19. I like that idea Lifeartist, and it shall go into the SPGLI idea basket. You are one of the masters, of course, of the suggestion you just put forth!

  20. Let's face the facts, Terry...With my Sacramento Rendering cap on, I look BETTER than Brad Pitt. And if I knew how to make soap, lets you and I face another "fact"... mine would be better than his...but...when it comes to fabulous cathedral painting, you duh man! Brad and I can't toucha!!

  21. Fabulous portrait, great expression and authenticity. It reflects a jovial and kind not without a hint of irony. I'm fascinated

    Fabuloso retrato, de una gran expresión y autenticidad. Refleja un carácter jovial y bondadoso no exento de una pizca de ironía. Estoy fascinada

  22. Here is a good video on how meat is made if you are interested:

  23. Thanks Carmen and I dig your comment both in English and Spanish! Gracias!

  24. M Herzog, I watched the video. I try to eat meat from non- mass manufacturing farms/ranches, and I keep my meat consumption within healthy limits.

  25. I like the spontaniety of the brush and the painting has soul...


  26. Thanks for the comment, Frank. Got you on my blog roll.

  27. The colors and expression in this painting are full of energy. I love the juicy bright colors. It looks like you will tip your hat and tell a joke.

    What about painting self portraits from odd angles...way up, way down, fisheye lens, whatever...

  28. HI Pattie. Yea, that's me and my personality. Thanks for the ideas which reminds me that I have to get the 3rd challenge out soon!
