Friday, July 17, 2009

My Day On The Farm

I know all you folk think that Cal-eye-forn-eye-a is made up of surfer dudes and movie stars. Well that jest ain't so! I'm a member in good standin of the Cal-eye- forn-eye-a, Yolo County Art and Ag Project whereby artists are invited to farms to do real purdy art. This here project helps to convey a posiitve value and impact of farm and art folk to you city slickers wherever you be. You all know that the food you eat ain't grown at no supermarket and the art you buy just don't appear magically in an art gallery. Let me say this...both us farmers and artists work real HARD for a livin! This here acrylic painting was done yesterday on the Clark Farnm at the intersection of Russell Road and County Road 96. It was painted between 8:30AM and 11AM. Yes!...them's mornin hours for you slickers! And me and my fellow artists are out there with the hot, bone bleachin sun, flys, skitters, chickens, horses (and horse shit), and lordy knows what else! But as no nonsense, ass kickin ag artists, we got the jobs done! If you all are interested in the Cal-eye-forn-eye-a, Yolo County Art and Ag Project, then jest give Janice Purnell a jingle. or check out their website at The other barn scene is a watercolor painted a few weeks ago on another farm. And finally don't you all never ferget, most farmers hereabouts don't write and spell this stupid!! Your, David AgArtist Lobenberg


  1. These paintings are both so "purdy". I come from farm country in s.e. WI and it looks "swell" to see those lovely farm scenes. I am pleased to see you use acrylics en plein air. I am struggling with that myself. I am using the new Open Acrylics and that helps some and I use some "retarder" in my spray water bottle. But it sure is a race to get it on the canvas before it it starts to set up. I am thrilled with what you did. How about some day posting a video so I can see you working!

  2. I like the way you handle watercolors and acrylics and both these paintings were so enjoyable to view. Now what about some "California Cows" (love those commercials too)? I live in farm country in NE Oklahoma and appreciate your sense of humor too.:)

  3. Top painting is scrumptious to those of us who use ink with watercolor. Your hint of ink is great and the wheelbarrow is awesome. Great work.

  4. Love the fluidity of both. Great work!

  5. love those shadows! wow- very purdy indeed!!

  6. Yeehaw! Ya sure can paint them barns, pardner!

  7. Thanks, Onpainting! Drinking martinis out of a proper martini glass yet?

  8. Ginny, This painting was done with Golden Open utilizing a Sta-wet palette. If you are not using one, RUN out to your nearest art supply store or order it on line. They are the bomb!!!

  9. Ann, If you live anywhere near tornado alley, you must have a sense of humor like us Californians who live on the Pacific ring of fire (volcanos and earthquakes).

  10. Terry, my ink drawing/color wash soul brother, thanks!

  11. laurens, why thankya, I truly do appreciate it.

  12. Leslie, Thank you hippo cow girl! Yeeha!!

  13. Dan, Thanks, and I now see that I spelled "yeehaw" incorrectly in my previous comment reply.

  14. Hi David,

    Your ag art makes this one time farmer's daughter proud of you. (Yes my city slicker father tried farming for a while -- and you are true it's hard work -- he was better at the art.)

    By the way farms in Ontario (vanishing rapidly) look a lot like farms in the summer.

    Take care,


  15. They look great! And this is coming from a gal who grew up in the farming state of North Dakota! Yee Haww! I love that they have a art and ag society! Great for artists, great for farmers and great for those who loooooove that subject! Like me!

  16. Barbara, Your father was an artist too?

  17. Kaye, My dream vacation is to spend a few weeks on an isolated farm in the middle of nowhere and paint. My wife would knit.

  18. You make every medium look like you own it.
    This here farm girl in the VI appreciates your recognition of fresh food on the table.

    Lucky are your students to have you to teach them.

  19. VI farm girl. Yes, I certainly know from reading your blog that you know the importance of and hard work that goes into farming. I just heard from my studio neighbor who today came back from shopping at our downtown farmer's market that it now attracts thousands of shoppers. More and more people are into getting fresher local food and at a cost that bypasses the middle man.
