Monday, July 20, 2009

American Hells Angel Bad Boy aka: Rat Fink

I painted this a few years ago. It was one of several watercolors that I contributed to a biker fund raising art show to raise money to help individuals recover from serious accidents. I suggested that they simply get rid of their dangerous motor cycles and purchase Volvos. They all ignored my good advice! I post this as a reminder of my Self Portrait Global Love In challenge #2: A self portrait with head ware...hats, helmets, scarves, etc. Let your imagination run free! Any art medium including digital. The due date to send me an image is September 12. Send it to me at:


  1. Hi David,

    This is great and scary. Your advice was excellent. Maybe they needed to go for a racier car, but yes a car and
    seat belts would help.

    Take care,


  2. Barbara, This guy is certainly "colorful" and studly as well as a jackass.

  3. What would've Big Daddy Roth done?

    Nice subtle use of color. (Eh, my word verification is 'undedn'~ weird!)

  4. R. Garriott, aka aRt, Big Daddy woulda beat the shit out of this punk! I gotta get off this damn blog and search for my glasses to put in some productive painting time! Loveya blog!

  5. Wooowwww!!!!
    Amazing!!! work.
    A big hug!!!

  6. Thank you so much (gracias!) Senior Cardesin! I just put you on my blog roll.

  7. Hoooweee- what you achieve with just a few well placed strokes!
    I love the raw, gestural simplicity of this portrait.

    ( Let's hope Bad Boy doesn't have a secret blog life and start to simmer a slow burn over being called a jackass.....)

    Good for you for trying though!

  8. Good character catch of a bad boy..
    David.. PL. chk my recent post,may be it can work as an idea for SPGL in future...what do you think.

  9. I have a baseball bat at the ready, Comrade Bonnie.

  10. Thank you Onpainting. When this "family man" comes after me, can I use you as extra muscle power? You can give him and Indian Rub on his wrists while I make my exit.
