Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mark's Gift

Mark, a lawyer in San Francisco with a major client here in the capital, commissioned me to paint his wife and baby daughter from a photo he had taken. He just picked up the completed piece this morning from my studio. It is an acrylic on stretched canvas (about 36"X 48"). On June 12 he will present it to his wife for her 40th birthday. There's got to be from 16 to 30 hours of painting time into this. Oh how I wish I could paint faster! Mark was here in my studio two weeks ago with an associate to evaluate and make suggestions on the likenesses of Mom and child. I made small changes on both figures while they watched! Praise be to the muse of art, they were happy with the tweaks! I now await his wife's reaction to her surprise birthday present. That's Mark standing next to his purchase. He is about 6 foot 5 inches and has a full head of hair, whereas the artist is five foot seven and a half inches with most of his hair on the back of his head...but with a most excellent beard!


  1. Beautiful portrait! I bet Mark would trade some of his height for some of your talent! Not so sure about the hair, though.

  2. Terrific portrait..I bet she will be thrilled when she recieves it.Great work, as always...

  3. Hi David,

    A fabulous portrait -- so telling about both the mother and baby.
    I'm with you on production time. I just am not a fast painter. Drawing's a whole other animal.

    I know this man's wife is going to be moved to tears when she sees the portrait. Good for you.

    Take care,


  4. Thanks, Myrna. I always appreciate your comments and your astute postulation here about my client not likely wanting to trade his hair for my painting talent.

  5. Thank you so much Arti, and again, thanks for your self portrait contribution to The Global Self Portrait Love In.

  6. Just got word, Barbara that both wife AND HUSBAND were moved to shed a tear or two. I'm shedding a few tears myself as I contemplate the hourly pay rate i earned on this project.

  7. great portrait as well as a great painting
    (Also loved the leaves in the BG and its contribution.)
    Definately one of a "Mark" in your achivements.

  8. Thanks, Milind. Yes!...the BG was a challenge and made for a lovely filtered color source. I'm glad you commented on that.

  9. What a wonderful portrait. Congratulations on the satisfactory outcome of a commissioned artwork. What a scary thing to make changes as the commissioner (?) watched!

    You made me laugh describing yourself. Hey! Who cares where hair does or does not grow on the artist when he can handle the hairs of a paintbrush like that!

  10. What a wonderful portrait. I know she's going to love her gift.


  11. It's a beautiful portrait! She's going to love it!

  12. Thanks Elizabeth. Yes, ir was a little disconcerting, but also very helpful with their comments.
