Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Self Portrait

I have assigned to both my drawing and painting classes that I teach at Sacramento City College) a self portrait from a photograph. I always like to do the assignment with my class, so here is my acrylic self portrait (without my glasses) that I am currently working on for my painting class. I have added a charcoal self portrait I did with my drawing classe about 2 semesters ago. More student and teacher self portrait art to come within the next three weeks.


  1. Hi David,

    I like the new acrylic portrait a lot. The charcoal one is great too.
    What a great face!

    Take care,


  2. I loved both of em..
    Its always thrilling to see your perspective..!!

  3. Love the new self portrait, David! Outstanding works!

  4. Your colors are as superb as always but this time the charcoal one wins! Awesome works

  5. Thanks, Barbara. Have you painted any self portraits?

  6. Thanks Padmini. I had to fool around a lot with the perspective, and I'm not sure I'm happy with it. If I get some time, I may try another self portrait.

  7. Lost In Wonder, I agree, I like the crazed charcoal one the best.

  8. Humor is my middle name, Elizabeth. Humor helps keep us humble.

  9. Thanks, Barbara. Have you painted any self portraits?

  10. Thanks, Barbara. Have you painted any self portraits?

  11. Nice. Personally I would much prefer to draw or paint other people but nobody else will sit for me for as long and as frequently.

  12. You ve certainly inspired me to try self portrait..something I ve neglcted for long time..
    great job..do you always paint with glasses off.

  13. Very fun as always! Your student's work last time was great. Looking forward to seeing what they come up with this time.

  14. Wow! They are both gorgeous, David! I specially like them because you offer a very different look from what we are used to seeing, let alone your sense of humour which makes them even more attractive.

  15. These are both very good. I bet the class enjoys the assignment and you doing it with them probably stimulates them to a higher level of effort.

  16. David, these are really cool. You handle charcoal really well, I'd like to see more.

  17. Hi David,

    I have done a couple. There's one on my slideshow on the blog, and I posted a pen and ink one last summer. Unlike Lucian Freud, whose work I love, I always flatter myself. I figure if I don't, who will? Shallow I know. Forgive me.

    I love your work, your humour and your blog.

    Take care,


  18. Clive, Love your self portrait you recently posted on your blog. Nice technique!

  19. Milind, The time has come for another paint-off. Subject?,,,self portrait. About a June due date...either early or late June and any medium. We need to get some other artists in on this.

  20. Myrna,Thank you, mistress of self portraiture.

  21. Anna, When you have a mug like me, ya just gotta have a sense of humor!

  22. Onpainting, Yes, I think doing some assignments with my students lets them in on the fact that I know what the hell I'm talkin about. I even like them to see me sometimes struggle and fail so that they realize that even with experience, art can be challenging.

  23. Tony, I wanted to do a charcoal self portrait with my current drawing class but have been too busy doing one with my painting class. There is only so much time in the day, and I do enjoy a regular sleep pattern. But I'm going to post a pen and ink self portrait I did a few years ago with my pen and ink class. I'd be interested in getting a comment from you.

  24. I figured you were a shallow person, Barbara. Self absorbed like me? I'll check your portraits out. I'll be posting a pen @ ink self portrait soon and would love to get a shallow comment from you.

  25. Love the fearless, looming perspective on the first one. The large hands, the brush poised, it's a very unique angle.
    If it's hard to be objective about our own work generally, then I think self portraits rank up there with Everest summits.

    I did one last year and it still lives in my closet. I pass her some bread and water on every major holiday, otherwise, she never comes out.

    You amaze in skill varieties and indeed have very lucky students.

  26. You are funny comrade Bonnie. The interesting thing about doing a self portrait is that you really learn how to see yourself with a very cold eye. Kinda cool!

  27. Hi David,

    You are amazing! too good works.

  28. Hi David,

    Your Nose looks great in your painting....

