Monday, May 18, 2009

Sacramento City College Art 300 S.P.s

Yesterday was the last day of my spring semester Art 300 Drawing class with the final assignment being a charcoal self portrait from the student's photograph of themselves. Using the photo as a reference, the students either did a direct drawing from it or first overlaid a grid on top of the photo, made a larger grid on their drawing paper and drew in a contour outline... a similar procedure that a guy by the name of Michelangelo Buonarroti did to get his contour drawings up on some chapel in Rome. I taught them how to smear on mid tones and come back with an eraser and pull out highlights. They also learned hoe to draw their facial features through keen observation and not left brain symbolism. They done good, and here is a sampling.


  1. They done good, indeed!
    Well done.

  2. Their portraits are great!
    Lucky students to have you as an instructor. I get the impression you infuse a lot of fun, excitement and inspiration in the class environment :)

  3. I'll let them know that ya like em, Diane.

  4. J. McChristian, Yes, you talented artist you. For me, all three of those descriptions are vital, and anyway, I have a captive audience to have fun with.

  5. Excellent portraits! You are either a very good teacher or you have some very talented students - I imagine a good bit of both that turned out these :) Some of them are so fun and some are so full of what I imagine is their personality - very cool!

  6. Hi David,

    These are great self-portraits.

    You done a good job teaching.

    Take care,


  7. This is a blast - both their portraits and yours. Love to see what you inspire in others.

  8. Great to see so many self portraits at one place!You quite succeeded in teaching them:) This remindes me about the self portrait that I was to paint!I will.I will!

  9. They did a fine job. Some of it at least is a tribute to your teaching abilities.

  10. Rhonda, Yes, I love it when they capture a little of who they are. They love it too!

  11. From one inspirer to another, thanks Sandy!

  12. Don't forget, Arti. I'm looking forwar do seeing it.

  13. Thanks! You are a scholar and a gentleman, Bill. That was an ominous painting you just posted.

  14. They did do great! In the one drawing class that i took, I loved the look of charcoal, but hated the messiness of my home assignment. I had it in my ears, my nose, and everywhere around where I was working. I am sure your students had much better instruction than I ever did! Really wonderful to see these posted!

  15. Joanne, Yep, charcoal can be messy, but I had a few fastidious students who managed to do a great job and come out the other end relatively clean! I have never been able to perfect that feat.

  16. Wonderful portraits! I can see they had fun doing them! No wonder with such a good teacher! Oups! Have to start mine. It's late, it's late for a very important date!
