Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ba ba ba bird bird bird, bird bird's the word!

Last year I posted this NY City pigeon painted from a reference photo from Paz's wonderful "New York Minute" photo blog. It was originally done in black and blues against an all white ground. This was also an assignment for my oil/acrylic class I taught. The students hated painting the overlapping feathers. In mine, they looked like some sort of metallic medieval! Anywho...I took the painting out from its dusty corner last night and thought "been there, done that...time for a make over!" Oh...I was inspired to paint the pigeon, because I had shown my class a dvd of American pop artist Jim Dine doing a huge charcoal drawing of an owl on a white washed wall in a small German museum.


  1. The first one looks like a very nice painting of a pigeon; the second one looks like the freakin' BLUEbird of HAPPINESS and you'd better look out before it splats you with a present! ha ha Great work!

  2. Hi David,

    Love these. Super work.

    Take care,


  3. The new version is fantastic. I love the interplay between the cyan and magentas.

  4. Very, very cool. I like both paintings of the pigeon and the ow, too.


  5. Love the brilliance of the colors in the "finished" one! Those overlapping feathers are beautiful! Who knew a pigeon could be so attractive???

  6. Jeremy, After the cool colors I needed some hot!

  7. Thanks again Paz for lending me your NYC pigeon.

  8. Joanne, Thanks and never underestimate pigeons, especially if they come from NYC.

  9. Hi! Just stopped by from Carole Marine's blog...I adore the last pigeon! The feathers are amazing! Actually brilliant! Love it!

  10. Glad you like the bird, Roxanne! I'll have to check out your blog.
