Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Turban Mans Are In!

Yours truly, Milind Mulick in India, David Burge down under, and Mryna Wacknov in Calif. have all completed with their "Turban Man" paintings. This so-called "paint off" was not a competition... just an excuse to see different artist's interpretations. Nuff they are. The very first image is the reference photo that we all worked from. The top watercolor is a Burge, the second watercolor, with other mediums thrown in, is a Lobenberg (messin around!), the third watercolor is a Mulick, the fourth watercolor is a Wacknov, and the fifth watercolor another Lobenberg. What fun, and thank you to my artist friends who participated despite busy schedules! Yes, we all saw the copyright on the photo, but these are artist's interpretations, and none of us are going to print thousands and thousands of posters to run the risk of copyright infringement. So there!


  1. wow! What a great photo and such wonderful interpretations! Next time you do something like this I would love to give it a try.

  2. Carol,
    I'll let you know when the time comes around again to do the next "Paint Off".

  3. Hi David,

    Fascinating work from everyone involved. I really like the idea of people around the planet working on the same image. So cool. Fantastic.

    Take care,


  4. How cool! Enjoyed everyone's version, each so different.

  5. Hi David, I come to your blog through Myrna's. Interesting challenge and exciting results!

  6. A very nice idea, David...i saw these on Milind's blog, too...every artist has a different vision, and it shows very well in all these different interpretations .....Nice work.

  7. Hi Ann. Yes, it's fun to see everyone's interpretation, and maybe within those interpretations we might find something that we would like to incorporate in our own art.

  8. Thanks for dropping by Peggy. You must love Myrna's work as much as I do!

  9. This is so neat, what a great idea, I'm new to this blogging. It sure does make art and the artist more accessible.

  10. Melissa,
    Thanks for dropping by. Yes, blogging gives you accessibility to artists the world over. It is truly WONDERFUL! Keep up the good work I saw on your new blog.

  11. Hi! officially, i'm on vacation- but old habits die hard.. anywhere that still has a weak signal for internet access, i find myself checking my mails, blogs and "others"..

    you've got a fab blog here. I really enjoy this different interpretations by different people on the same given pic.

  12. Thanks Silver.Yeah, some of these internet things get habitual.

  13. Love your vibrant colors and very lively interpretations. Both.
    The eyes have it.
    It's very stimulating to see other takes on the same subject.

    You turn out consistently great work David and it's always inspiring to visit your blog.

  14. Great variety of interpretations here! Yet they all seem to capture some enigmatic quality of the guy in the ref photo. Fantastic!

  15. Thank you from all of us, Wayne, and happy Holi!

  16. Thank you as always for your comments on my endeavors, comrade Bonnie!

  17. I have been so busy in my little universe that I have completely missed this!! Wow fantastic!! They are all so unique and exceptional!!

  18. Hey, Theresa! How are you doing? Haven't forgotten to include you in a future paint off but right now I'm too busy painting for one of my galleries.

  19. These are all wonderful interpretations. I think my favorite is the one on the bottom by you, David. It keeps holding my eyes, and I love the color in it.

  20. Hi Mona! I love bright colors in watercolor and I guess in any medium for that matter. Thanks for dropping by.

  21. wonderful interpretations! could you include me in the next paint off too?

  22. Ujwala, Yes. I like your art. How about sometime in June? Do you want to provide the reference photo?

  23. The last interpretation maintains teh quintessential Indianess of the features. Great Idea

  24. Thanks for dropping by B. Have fun with your new blog. The one thing that was noticed by an Indian commenter on my blog was that in the last painting (mine), the man has blue eyes. Well, yes, I exercised my artistic license that, I might add, was recently renewed at the state Dept. of Doodling and Fine Arts!

  25. David,
    Thanks and yes I noticed the blue eyes too, but even with that artistic license he looks all Indian....some of the other interpretations have the nose thinner and the area near the chin more defined, making him look the last one the best.

  26. B: Thanks, B. One of my favorite parts of my h2o is the turban...just enough to read as a turban without getting too literal...that's how I like to paint. I'm not always successful, but I try!

  27. Hello, My friend Aarti told me about your paint off. I really liked your finished painting as well as Milinds. Aarti is the photographer of the turbaned man!

  28. Aarohi: Thanks for visiting my blog. Aarti took a great Photo. It was truly an inspiration for all of us!
