Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Baggy backside, my ass!

Mike Bailey, who came all the way up from Santa Cruz to do a most fab. h2o demo for my Sacramento City College water color class, is carping about his less than well endowed rudder (see his comment in the previous post). I say be proud of what your mama gave you, Mike! The last assignment for my college drawing class this winter semester was to do a self portrait in charcoal on newsprint paper. Fill up the page. I did the assignment with them... this one's for you, mama.


  1. Jeeze!!! and people told me I didn't flatter myself enough when I did my self portrait. Wait till they see this puss! Your mother deserves better.

  2. Jeeeze back, Myrna...you are so cruel, but I guess one must call a spade a spade.

  3. Milind: Yes!...a face only a mother could love.

  4. I am amazed that you managed to paint this with both hands on your head. Very impressive.

    As for Myrna's comment - um... well... ah, look at the time!

  5. Nava: I can't quite remember whether I drew with my foot or was looking at a photo. A6:36PM comment from Myrna...what about it?... I'm gullible and literal minded.

  6. David, I meant your mother deserved a more flattering DRAWING of her son, not a better son.

  7. Nooooo - I was trying to find a graceful way to pull out of the hole I dug myself into when relating to Myrna's comment. It's got nothing to do with when she posted it. "Look at the time" was said as in "Look at the time I really have to go".

    Ah well, so much for being suave and witty. Yeah, you sure are literal minded.

  8. Mryna: I think you DID mean that my mother deserved a better portrait of myself but I like my more perverse interpretation of your remark!.

  9. If ever there was a cheeky self portrait- this is the one.
    It's so you.
    Attitude isn't just for college kids, it works very well for college profs also.
    They're lucky to have you.

    It's fabulous! Really, comrade.

  10. I am sure you have noticed my absence and distinct decorum on this shabby and tawdry treatment of a very kind and gentle man. After looking at that mug, I might have thought, but didn't, that he was one mean motor scooter. (with a face like that one would HAVE to be mean!!)

    Be blessed, my son, and pary away all tempestuous and scurrilous comments about your puss. At least I can HIDE my baggy rear rudder. ;-))

    P.S. Am I sensing a distinct change of conversational level here? As in waaay downward? ;-0

  11. Holy Cow!
    You tell'em man!
    Who'd argue? Not me!

  12. Dear Mr. Bailey (a.k.a. baggy pants): As much as I attempt to exude professorial decorum, I must admit that such an endeavor eludes my feeble attempt.

  13. Dear Mr. Burge: I had no idea that Aussies could be so blunt and direct!

  14. I thought I was on the mailing list too! But I guess I'm not? acmassey@gmail.com is my email......Man! I totally missed out! I would be interested if I had any money left over from x-mas shopping. I guess I'll have to wait 'till next year...School is going good! Actually, the semester is practically over, thank god! This is the last week, and it's finals week, so it's kinda hectic....Awesome self portrait by the way!! I totally cracked up when I saw it! Happy Holidays!!

  15. Thanks Amber. Hope my portrait didn't scare ya too much!
