Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm so excited!!!!

Wow! My rowdy brother, Billy Joe Bob Lobenberg twisted a few arms of the pansys that run the Turlock Museum of Modern Art, and they have hung one of my large watercolor paintings in their "Hall of Modern Masters"! Like I said, don't mess with ma brother! Thank you Myrna Wacknov for the link to:


  1. Wow! Looking goooooood! That is one nice portrait. Now, you have to tell the truth if this is really your brother.

  2. Ah, sweet fame! And how the frame places a crown on top of his colorful hair! So . . . Billy Joe Bob's middle name is Jean-Pier? aside, it's a wonderful painting, David!!

  3. Hell no, Myrna. That paintin ain't of ma brother. He was one of ma students at Sacramento City College a few yrs. back. Ma brother is shown in ma Nov. 15 post. Thanks again for the fun link!

  4. You and Mryna gots it all wrong, Nava. That there AIN'T Billy Joe Bob Lobenberg, ma brother. You am correct though as it is Jean Pier, a past student of mine who had LOTS OF HAIR whichin I ain't got no more. The painting was done during my hair envy period a few yrs. back. Am I soundin true blue Southern or true blue, pork butt stupid? You needn't reply. Thanks for the compliment as it has made my head swell and keeps my mind from dwelling on hair loss.

  5. You are soundin true blue, and let's stop at that.

    Hey, now I, too, am famous. I am choked!!

  6. Jeez Louise, David....that is one fantastic painting!! I am also really impressed with your brother's diplomatic skills! Again I have to say that is an awesome and awe inspiring piece of work!!

  7. My god!
    what size...
    amazing...wonderful ...mind blowing...fantastic..!

  8. Helene: "Wouaouh!" Is that a French word?

  9. Theresa: Why thankya! I ain't nothin without ma brother's help!

  10. Milind: Yes, one of the largest watercolors in the whole wide world!

  11. David,
    I think I need to change my spectacles or wear them backwards. The figures looking at the watercolour seem way too small!!! I tried cleaning the monitor screen, degaussing, ctrl-z etc but nothing changed! This is one huge piece!!! And a wow factor to go with it!!
    Congrats+++, high fives,

  12. That is definitely big. In spirit anyway. Great new posts and the process blow by blow below is appreciated too...

  13. Wayne: I'm so glad you like my h2o portraiture that in reality hangs on one of my studio walls at a modest 22"X30" in size.

  14. Clive:Would love some day to see a process blow by blow of one of your wonderful watercolors.

  15. Hi David!
    GOOD ONE!! (heheh) I was going to ask where you get w/c paper that size?! The (ahem) 'transposed image' does all the same carry a poignant message, namely that all is relative. Also, that 'context' (such as a piece of art being on the walls of an important art museum) can bestow upon it a kind of de facto significance or 'aura'. I think your 'painting of a painting' is thought-provoking, contemporary, and refreshingly 'grounding'.
    Cheers and high fives for twenty-twos by thirties!

    PS It also helps us realize that great works of art are all around us: on the blogs etc, and not just in the museums...

  16. Wow!!! That is soooo amazing!!! I'm so excited for you!! And I didn't realize how big that painting was from the first post you did of it, I must have not been paying attention or something!! It's huge!! But awesome!! Yay! :)

  17. David, what a great painting. i love how you captured his expression, and i love your use of color. this painting looks right at home in that museum! Holly

  18. You crack me up dude!

    ALL your recent posts are watercolor at it's best!! Clean, fresh,and alive with confident brush work and vibrant color!!

    You ARE a master of the medium my friend!

  19. Thanks Tony. Your latest painting is fantastic.

  20. OK, you're so excited, we got that. Will you get back to blogging now that you're famously hung in museums, or do we need to send Bill of OnPainting to be on your case?

  21. Nava: DON"T SEND BILL! You've read his stuff...he plays with guns! I'm already jumpy, because I challenged Terry Miura (a VERY talented artist here in Sacramento) to a duel! A painting duel. We are working from the same photo reference. I'm also busy with a painting for the Amgen Tour of California, and I need to get my last watercolor completed for the Three Sisters Restaurant, and for all I know, they may also be packing pistols! I'll most likely be posting later this wk. Thanks so much for inquiring, and don't send Bill!

  22. Wow! THIS is really cool!


  23. WOT!!!
    that is huge and very good as well,
    amazing stuff david,i'm very impressed!!

  24. Hey, those are the same two ladies that are looking at a painting of mine in the same museum and same frame. Weird huh?
    Congratulations on the museum aquiring your work David,

  25. Thankya, Paz! The magic of digital manipulation is so fun for my fantasy world.

  26. Rob: Got some prints from your blog as inspiration for my Tour Of California project. Hope to post progressive photos in about 3 weeks.
