Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yall itchin fer a fight?!

I maybe goin out on a limb on this here blog but I ain't afraid! I'm about ta commence a acrylic paintin of ma brother Billy Joe Bob Lobenberg. He's a cat fishin, bagel-eatin -son- of- a- bitch, good old boy from Turlock, California who don't cotton ta mean spirited words about his older brother's artistic efforts if ya catch ma drift. I'll be a postin his portrait in this here spot in a week or two. Think twice about any negatory comments! IT'S NOW A WEEK LATER AND MA BROTHER'S PORTRAIT AIN'T DONE YET, so don't you go a thinkin that it is or yer goin rile him! I gotta give a little talk and demo at a local art club on Oct. 8, so it ain't gonna be done until shortly thereafter. This is ma blocking in stage using an acrylic color palette of Acra Crimson, Cad. Red Light, Cad. Red Medium, Cad. Yellow Medium, Ultramarine Blue, and Titanium White. I'm startin ta work ma colors, values, and shapes. Next up is "polishin"...getting in the finished colors, values, shapes, and any final blending that I may want ta do. I don't know why I'm writing in this stupid faux southern accent and this here ain't ma brother, but sometimes I need a hit of Dixie in ma life. Yer ain't gonna give me no lip on this is ya?!


  1. OK. We'll be very, very kind.


  2. Yall don't wanna git on his bad side. He's very protective of of his brother. Thanks for the promise, Nava.

  3. LOL! Looking forward to what I know will be a wonderful portrait.


  4. And if it's a mess, Paz, say nice things so as not to rile ma brother. He don't got non of them city slicker manners!

  5. Hey - if he is as guapo as his school teaching brother, how could there be a negative comment? You might want to consider putting more hair on him that some of your recent works.

  6. Hi David,

    Like the peach ground especially fer yer tuff Brother. I've been listening to a book with a tough southern accent while I paint, and I like seein it in yer blog.

    Great set up so far.

    Keep feeding us the fiction too. God knows we need all the fun we can get. Am I right to think you
    sound a bit like Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live? But hey I'm
    Canadian. Cannot mess with your

    Just love your painting.


  7. Hmmm...guapo?...what's the guldurn meaning of that?
    He's got mucho hair as you can now see W. R.

  8. Don't yer mess with our good ole boy republican sex kitten V.P.! Ain't she a looker! And don't you be worrian about messin with USA politics...Torontoians have a free pass. British Columbians, however, can kiss my grits! Thanks for staying a spell, Barbara.

  9. LOL! Guapo=handsome.

    Paz ;-)

  10. LOL! This ain't your brother? Who is he? Well, nice painting anyway.


  11. If that portrait turns out as nicely as those three posted earlier, then your faux southern brother should be mighty proud!
    I'd love to see your upcoming demo!!

  12. How can w'all give you any lip when you scared us so much, eh? (that was a nod to Barbara ;-)

    It's already lookin' good, as are the wheels of the car on the painting behind it. And I ain't sayin' that just coz I'm scared. No siree no! I am meanin' it.

  13. LOL! Ain't no lip comin'from this lil'gal! Woundn't wanna tangle with either one of yus...Yer kin is a real looker and them thar paintins' ain't to bad either! We'uns will be watchin fer yer new they'll be real purty...mightin be almost as purty as that lil ole talkin fish I got hangin on the wall ..:)Only kidding...I know it will be fantastic but Arkansas is real close to here and I couldn't resist!

  14. never seen anything so purdy since the hogs ate grandma

  15. Paz: Thanks for the translation. Are you sure that's what that means?

  16. Paz: The real name for Billy Joe Bob Lobenberg will be unveiled in Oct. after my demo. Thanks abunch cowgirl for dropping by!

  17. Thanks aheep Marian! I'll be postin the finish soon.

  18. Yall got a talkin fish!!!? So do I!!!!!! Them things are mighty fine ta have in ya home. I knew yer were a gal with good taste!

  19. Yer dun scarin me Nick! Congrats again on yer 1st place honor...yer in hog heaven now!!!!

  20. Your brothers' in ZZ Top!??
    I had no idea.
    One singer, one painter. Momma must be right proud.

    I love seeing your stages of painting and how you build your
    ( family ) values.
    And ain't that what this great nation was built on....

  21. Awesome David. I love step by step. I always forget to do one!
    Jill and I both thank you for your good wishes! Diapers n paint.

  22. Cooper: It was just yesterday that I was changing my daughter's diapers...25 yrs. ago come this Dec.!

  23. Bonnie: You betcha cowgirl...uh...I mean cowgirl comrade.

  24. Lookin good so far. I expect when done, he will take you to the local biker bar to tip a few.

  25. Jack Daniel's, Onpainting, Jack Daniel's.

  26. Y'all hard to understand at times....but you are getting there.  A little more refining of the Southern Tongue and you will be fair to middling.  It's when you cain't understand what's being said is when you have it.By the way - haven't seen any flyswatters yet.Sometimes that twang get's in the way on some words.  It's like learning a new language and everyone has a different intensity of the drawl....However, back to the real reason, it's good see this particular painting.  He's going to be a handsome son of a gun when done!

  27. A big country thankya ta ya, Annonymous!
