Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm as mad as hell and ain't gonna take it no more!

Tonight, on the Olympic television broardcast, we get served up a f---king gymnastics GALA!!! Gala!? We don't want to see any other Olympic venues!? They are of no interest whatsoever!? Guess not! Must be a slow day or maybe the rain has cancelled ALL other events? Not to worry...we get MORE gymnastics! Indeed, the men's and women's competitive events were all very exciting, and don't get me wrong, my wife and I throughly enjoyed every morsel, but enough is enough!...we don't need no stinkin gymnastics gala! Did ya hear that? It was the click of my remote turning off the boob tube. Sorry. I needed to let off some steam, and I figured, why not on my blog! Are any of you blogsters out there with me on this on- air travesty? My next post will be art related again. Take this as just a small hiccup...or maybe a big finger! PS: The Jamaican's secret? Yam eating!!


  1. I'm with you here - enough of the adolescent gym rats.

    Whatever happened to running, jumping, and throwing stuff?

  2. Onpainting: W.R., you certainly have a way with words... "adolescent gym rats"...I like it! Turns out, for whatever reason, they didn't televise the gala. Praise be to the gods high on Mt. Olympus!

  3. Sardonic humor on this post, including comments? A TEN ! From this judge!!!!

    throwing stuff.......

  4. I found the cure to TV-induced ranting 12 years ago. I threw the thing into a dumpster and never looked back. It gives you more time to read and garden and paint. And it made my kid smarter.
    Jan J

  5. Uhm... we are not even following the Olympics. There, I've said it! am i still a legal resident in this country?

    There are so many other channels to watch, things to do, stuff to throw, thingies to kick, people to portray, Plantar Fasciitis to nurse...

  6. Wow! first ten. W.R. is the man!! I bet he too eats yams in the morning...breakfast of champions! Lay off the photoshop, Bonnie!

  7. Nava: you are sooo right! In fact, I'm looking for something to throw now...screw the Olympics!

  8. Laughing.. between that and the Cialis ads! Give me a break!
    I'm still mad about the cable company slowly eliminating my channels so I have to rent their boxes.
    I feel your pain though. We're demograph-icized and force fed by the tube.
    SO, I blog instead ;P

  9. Ok, I can come out now.
    Aside from when I was walking through the room where my hubby watches the tube, I didn't watch any of it either. I don't know who won anything.
    I do watch the Red Sox.

  10. I like the gymnastic, can't stand the swimming and beach volleyball
