Sunday, July 20, 2008

This one's for Myrna.

There is a wonderful California artist by the name of Myrna Wacknov that you can link to through my "Fav. Links" section (can someone tell me how I can highlight a name or blog so that when one clicks on it, one is sent there?). She does some pretty incredible drawings, watercolors, and mixed media. She did a self portrait watercolor painting that is a killer...I mean sick!* Anyway, she has just recently posted a watercolor portrait of a black artist that also has water soluble crayon thrown into the mix. It's a fun medium to use and goes by a fancy smancy French name that if you stood me up against a wall and threatened to shoot me, I could not spell it!...sorry. This piece has prompted me to post my Koi illustration that I did for a rendering class that I taught several years ago at Sacramento City College. The Koi are done mostly in Prismacolor pencil over a touq. colored woven paper stock.The reflections in the water were done in the same water soluble crayon that Myrna used. * In Calif. surfer speak, "sick!" means "awesome!"


  1. Caran d'Ache pronounced Karen Dash. It's good my high school French comes in handy for something. Thanks for the wonderful compliments. I blush! You are hired as my new publicity agent!

    Beautiful Koi painting!

  2. Hi David, this is one of your SCC students coming back to haunt you. I usually just lurk on your blog, but the Koi piece is so awesome I had to comment on it!

    can someone tell me how I can highlight a name or blog so that when one clicks on it, one is sent there? You mean like a link? Using this code should work:
    [a href="URL"]Link[/a]

    In between the quotation marks, insert the URL of the blog you want to send people to (i.e., Instead of the [] symbols, use these <>. The word "Link" will be what people actually click on.

  3. Hi David. If you're posting from Blogger, there's a little icon in the tool bar over the text editor you're typing in that looks like two links of a chain with a green earth symbol. When you hover your cursor over it, it says, "Link." You select the word or name you want to be a link and then you click the Link symbol. That opens a little window where you paste in the address that you want to link to. So usually you copy that link from the site, then paste it in. Voila! If you're posting from your email program, like Outlook, you select the word or name and then click on Insert in the top tool bar, then choose Hyperlink and paste it in the field provided. Hope this helps! I LOVE your work!

  4. I'd make a great PR agent for you, Myrna, except I'd better represent myself so I can continue to pull in work and pay my bills!

  5. That sounds easy, Ashley. I forget, did you take my drawing class? Thanks for lurking. I'm glad the Koi brought you out of the closet.

  6. Thanks, Susan. I'm finally going to be able to make links. All I had to do was ask! Maybe my reluctance was a male thing like having to ask for traveling directions (that now fewer of us males have to do with all the GPS devices out there). Technology is taking away a lot of the adventure in life. Well maybe not...we could go on Facebook and possibly have our identity stolen.

  7. been lurking awhile and decided to jump in and plug you on my blog today. you made my Top Ten Bloggers List.i hope it increases your traffic.
    i especially love your water scenes and boats
    keep up the good work.

  8. Hey Mike: Thanks for putting me on your top ten blogs list. That's pretty cool! Went to your site to learn that you are a USAF vet. About 4 years ago I did a poster for the USAF Thunderbirds Alumni Asc.for their 50th anniversary. It has about ten of my watercolors on it. I love machines that fly even though I'm not a pilot. If you dig into some of my early 2007 posts, you'll find two acrylic paintings. I did of a Jolly Green Giant and a Corsair navy (sorry!) jet.Did you know that Golden has come out with a slooow drying acrylic line? It's called Golden Open. Next week I hope to play around with it en plein air! I'll be reporting about the experience on my blog. Thanks again for the nod on your blog! (hmmm...think I have a future in poetry?)

  9. 'thaught it as a picture!!!
    thousands Bravo !

  10. Thanks Helene. Working with colored pencils is a lot of fun. You can lay down a color then gently burnish over it to get a great shinny or polished effect. I didn't do it here, because I wanted a textural look especially with the color of the paper coming through.

  11. I'm glad others have clued you in to the Blogger Link icon. SOOOOOoooo easy you'll be linking all over the place!

    I love the watery feeling with these koi - I love to paint koi myself, and love looking at others' work, but yours is the first that includes the surface of the water - cool!

  12. Thank you Kelly! You know, it's funny, I have always been fascinated by water reflections but have never done any studies of them. Anytime, however, if there is an opportunity to include water reflections in a painting,I really enjoy the rendering possibilities. I see that you paint in oil and acrylics. Check my blog soon as I will be posting my experience in a new Golden product called Golden Open...super duper sloooow drying acrylic paint! Thanks for dropping by.
