Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Minor Detail?

You are seeing the last two of three iterations of an acrylic painting of Yosemite Falls (20"X60", stretched canvas). The first painting was rejected by my Sacramento Gallery owner (Elliott Fouts, Elliott Fouts Gallery. You can go there by clicking it in my "Fav. Links"). He felt that it looked unnatural with all that water coming down from the top and just a relative trickle at the bottom. I beefed up the bottom (top painting), showed it to him and got the same critique. Well, It DOES relatively trickle lower down on the falls, and that's because midway there is a bowl and pinch formation that the water lands in that effects the flow. My mistake was not painting it in such a way as to delineate the bowl and pinch. I think the bottom painting does! I'll be taking it back to the Fouts Gallery this week. Wish me luck!


  1. Fantastic David! Great composition and canvas choice. Simple and wonderful.

  2. Thank you Cooper...always appreciate your comments and critique.

  3. good luck!
    hope you don't need it...
    this is spectacular,excellent crop and composition,love the greys and that water is going down!
    that pigeon further down is amazing!

  4. Elliott likes it at last! Hey, I'm glad you like my humble pigeon. It's one of my favorite recent paintings. Who would guess...a pigeon painting! Ya never know!

  5. It is so hard to paint icons, like Yosemite Falls. I really like the format you've come up with. I've haven't yet come across a pushy gallery owner like that! Weird. They need to trust you.

  6. Thanks for dropping by Ed. Always good to hear from a talented and dedicated painter. The gallery owner has more than once told me when he has rejected one of my pieces that it's his opinion only and that it doesn't mean it might not sell elsewhere. I also think that some gallery owners set a tone for the feel and type of art they want to sell. This is not an easy thing to define, but I respect it. By the way, he has now accepted my re-do. I certainly don't always agree with his critiques, but this one I did otherwise I wouldn't have bothered.

  7. cngratulation for that re-do . I prefer it to hte first one. Nevertheless That first one was already great!

  8. Hello Helene on the Cocos Islands! Thank you. This seems to be the general consensus, so I guess I succeeded...not always the case, but that's what makes art challenging. I had no idea where the Cocos Islands were until I googled it. Looks like great plein air painting country!

  9. Seems clear to me what's going on, but it's not my gallery. A very dramatic pov!
