Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Laughs Unlimited

Last week, May 7 under the post heading "Times They Are Changin", I had a pity party and wrote about my wife's possibility of being laid off from her teaching job and the lousy health care system in the good ole U S of A. This morning I received a comment from one of the "On Painting" blogsters... pretty funny. If you have not visited these artists' (a he and a she) blog, you owe it to yourself to click on their link in my links section. They both craft incredibly funny posts! I discovered these two upon a recommendation from one of Silvina's recent posts (see my link section and go visit her as well).


  1. Hi David, great slew of recent posts; nice to see some of your illos too. Checked this blog out, too, great stuff. Hope your wife keeps her job!

  2. Thank you Clive. Always appreciate you visiting.

  3. Hi David, I've been gone for a bit. I see you posted a lot of good art! I didn't know you did some illustration. Thanks for the link to my site. : )

  4. Welcome back to blogville, Silvina.

  5. Wow, thanks, David.

    Do you think you could work this into the David Letterman show?

    There could be an option on a 6"x8" plein air piece for you in this.

    You'll be wanting a bright room to hang it as it is a bit on the way too dark side.

  6. I'm devoting all of next week to your request. Today, a sleazy hand held sign on an obscure adjunct art professor's blog. Tomorrow, the David Letterman show!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Ah, they are not funny. Kind of sad actually.
    Just kiddin', Bill and Lisa are the funniest thing since the first season of Saturday Night Live.
    My wife always wonders why I am laughing out loud at the computer when I look at their blog. Then she looks at me like I am kind of sad.

  8. I have read them and they are funny. Hilarious, even.
    None of us ever imagined that we'd be sitting in front of a computer screen laughing out loud but we are. The internet is the greatest thing since indoor plumbing.
