Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Outdoor Painting Tip #2

You are outside with all your plein air equipment fighting bugs, wind, and heat. You have spent 3 hours of hard, hard, hard painting labor that has gotten you nowhere. Your attempt at capturing the pond, tractor, and wheat field has grossly failed. What do you do with this piece of shit (sorry for the language... but....shit is shit, isn't it?) The answer is simple. Go back to your comfy studio, where you should never have left in the first place, re-gesso that piece of you know what, and do an abstract painting. No pond, no tractor, and no wheat field!

(of course, this would NEVER happen to yours truly)


  1. Oh, that's why abstracts were invented! Now I know. : D
    Cool piece!

  2. Funny stuff. More often than not I'm not pleased with what I paint outside. It's tough out there, that's why I mostly stay inside, safer in here, lol. Barb

  3. Can't re gesso my oils, but throwing them in a stack with all the others works just as well.

  4. Thanks Barbara for paying my blog a visit. I agree with your husband...you're "ate up" with painting! Ain't it grand?! Enjoy.

  5. There are lots of tractors and wheatfields put to canvas out there. This painting has never been done before, and a lot cooler than any tractor I've seen!

  6. You are right Nick! I was given an expensive airbrush set up recently and am going to try some acrylic airbrushing combined with acrylic brush painting (abstracts). Thanks for visiting ye ole blog.Your blog is an inspiration for me.

  7. great blog, David. Besides the gorgeous paintings, I enjoyed your light heartedness about plein aire. I'll be back.

  8. Thanks for visiting, Sandy. You do some GREAT h2o work! Love your h2o/collage and love your abstracts and some of your portraits, particularly one of an elderly black lady. I'll be returning for a look see, and add you to my blog roll.
