Friday, January 4, 2008

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The so-called "blogisphere" (spelling?) is a sometimes a wonderful venue for inspiration. I have been exploring the painting-a-day blogs where I have seen great paintings of the most mundane things. Some are pretty like a single flower in a simple glass vase (The Good) others very plain Jane like a pencil stub (The Bad), and some beautifully disgusting like a greasy frying pan (The Ugly). I have just completed three acrylics on stretched canvas ( two at 8"x10" and one at 11"x14"). Here are three orange slices on a plate (The Good), an electric tea kettle (The Bad), and a food take out box (The Ugly, but not even close to that greasy frying pan!).
This type of concentrated effort makes for great practice (sharpening painting ability) and playtime (experimenting with such things as brushwork, layering, unusual colors etc., etc.).


  1. Chalk me up as a fan on the ugly! I like the offbeat subjects. like your Chinese to go box.

  2. Great idea for a series! Your paintings are beautiful, I'll be back to see more.

  3. William: Your work is absolutely terrific, and I will be periodically checking in to see more blight. Hopefully, you'll be getting access to the airplane bone yard. Thank you so much for visiting my blog.

  4. Hey Kim: Congrats on winning a 2nd place from William Wray! He's the man of blight. What a terrific artist he is. I thought a 5"x8" format was small to paint on, and I noticed you did a 2.5"x3.5"! Good job. That one still has the same painting feel as your larger ones. Love the quarter you put under it for a sense of scale. Thank you for visiting my site

  5. Dave . . .these are great! Keep it up! Did you guys get hammered in the big storms? We sure did. But I am back up and running now.

  6. Hey Mike! Yea, our fair city got hammered too. I have an awning over my studio and miracles of miracles, its still in one piece! The silver lining to all this is no drought this year. I'm taking a little break from the still life stuff to work on some paintings for the two galleries I'm in... some Port of Sacramento landscapes with a large cargo ship. I'm like you... I can hardly wait to get at them.

  7. Hi David,
    Just found your blog. You do some really beautiful work. It's great to see another local Sacramento artist on the world wide web. I'll be checking back!

  8. Craig: Unbeknownst to ourselves, we have painted at the same locations in Sac. and the Auburn area. I head up a plein air group. We'll crank up again this spring. Let me know if you want to be on our email list. Thanks for checking out my blog!

  9. I like that way you handle your acrylics. Good baseball portraits! Got here via Cooper's blog.

  10. Nice paintings, but why does the kettle get the bad rap?

  11. Chris: A Painting Some your blog title! I agree. One needs some time to do other things like feline boxing. Thanks for visiting my blog. As we say in southern Sacramento, youall come back sometime!

  12. Bill: Like your ship sketches. I'm working on some Port of Sacramento paintings that I'll soon be posting. Yes, it may be 80 miles inland, but we do have a port here in Sacramento. Even had a wayward mother and baby whale visit it this summer! My kettle is BAD, because it sprung a leak. Now it's a FABULOUS still life model.
