Friday, November 9, 2007

Steamboat Slough

This acrylic is about 36"x48" and painted on canvas ducktaped to my studio wall. It was done over a 3 day period about a year ago and before I started my acrylic journey en plein air. It now hangs in the Elliott Fouts Gallery here in Sacramento along with seven small plein air paintings that I did over the course of this summer 2007. I worked from a photo I took of this wonderful, old articulated bridge on the California delta. The bridge was designed by the same man who designed the Golden Gate bridge! Anyway, the point I'd like to make with this piece is that one should never do a literal translation of a photograph. What's the point of that? Do something with it. In this case, I painted in a warm yellow glow coming in from the right side and down river. People who have seen this painting always mention its appeal. Now that its in the Fouts Gallery, maybe that appeal will turn into a buy. I have attached a link to the Elliott Fouts Gallery where you can see samples of some of the other artists showing there.


  1. Hey Dave!! Thanks for the email and blog visit to 'my place.' This bridge painting, the guy sweeping, the overpass and palms have me squirming in my seat!! They are killer pieces. GREAT STUFF!! In fact, I like them so much, I am linking you into my blog, if you don't object. . . .who knows, it might provide a little 'fame assist!' ;-)

  2. Great work here, David. These bridges are fantastic.

  3. Thanks David. I'll have the pleasure of seeing what you come up with in the future!
