Sunday, October 26, 2014

Continued iteration of previous watercolor portrait post

Here is my final iteration of the painting in my previous post. Same painting, just more texture, lifting, and a few more hints of color added with conte. The sketch in charcoal pencil is a more accurate angle of the reference photo that I was working from. It was bugging me that I was so off on the angle, so I just had to do the sketch to get it right!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lobenberg watercolor portrait evolution

First I sketched my subject from a reference photo. This was followed by using a large four inch flat brush ago paint in some abstract light-valued washes, almost at random. I then painted in my subject's spiky hair with a large round brush. After that, I darkened up my initial sketch lines with a 8B sketching pencil. Finally, I darkened and worked some more on the greenish background wash to pull out his face a little more. Noticed the variety of colors in his hair. Oops! Notice that I drew him at the wrong angle! Oh well. the painting still works! I'll do another study at the correct angle. Stay tuned, dear reader.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Two more Watercolor Portraits just off My Table

These are two of my latest watercolor portraits. The top one was a student of mine  in my pen and ink class at Sacramento City College last Spring semester and the bottom watercolor is one of my current Fall semester students in my design class. I'm playing with more white space and pencil line work. I like these, but i will paint my next ones with even less washes and highlight more of the pencil contour line work like this watercolor I did about eight years ago. It has a little more white of the watercolor paper and the face just has a touch of washes.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Water Color Portrait - "Lookin Atcha"

Another one of my California Vibe Portraits painted on an 11 by 15 inch cold press watercolor paper. I'm scheduling my California Vibe Watercolor Portraiture three and five day workshops for next year and the following. If you know of an art clubs or societies in your neck of the wood that would like to have me conduct one for them, please clue me in, and I will follow up.

Just published in The Art of Watercolour!

"There may be a lot of artists who paint self-portraits, but few tackle the subject with such colorful gusto as the California watercolorist David Lobenberg" 

I am so honored to be in one of Europe's pre-emenint watercolor magazines! Edition number 16 just came out, and is chock full of information on how I attack my California-Vibe style of watercolor portraiture. Barnes and Noble carries it, and of course one can subscribe to this mag. online. If you are interested in purchasing my two hour California Vibe portraiture demo DVD, simply contact me via this blog,  my Facebook page, or my website at: It sells for $45 (includes shipping). I only sell this DVD within the United States. I will be posting some more CA Vibe portraits of a few of my students within the next few weeks.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Just published in Plein Air Magazine!

Wow! There is a four page spread on my artwork in the latest quarterly issue of Plein Air Magazine. Check it out… and… there is another four page spread on my self portraiture artwork in the European magazine The Art of Watercolour. A good

way to end the last quarter of 2014.