Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Eggs and light bulbs drive me nuts!!!!!

Ever free hand draw an egg or a light bulb? NOT EASY!...well...at least not for me not easy. They always start out ever so slightly lopsided. I spend a lot of time tweeking the outside contour. And how about the subtle blending of surface values for krist sake!!! NOT EASY!...and...NOT EASY!!! Yeah, I'm 63 years of age, but I'm fixin to become an Olympian snow boarder or Super G down hill racer. It's a lot easier than rendering eggs and light bulbs. Any one disagreeing with this is itchin for a fight!!


Autumn Leaves said...

You made me laugh, David. Now I have to tell you about an assignment we had in a drawing class I took years ago in a university. We had to draw golf balls...with the divots...and the shadowing in the divots and on the surface of whatever the golf ball was sitting on. Ei yi yi! Your light bulb is quite a handsome one though! Love the blues!

Ann Rogers said...

No fight coming from me...I agree totally! You might want to stick with apples or oranges! But I must say, this light bulb looks like it working for you!

dominique eichi said...

I will leave no comment....... your right !
Beautifully done BTW

Unknown said...

You did a great job with the light bulb. In answer to your question: YES! I paint and draw eggs all the time, and have been for five years. Lots of fun (after a while)

Sandy Maudlin said...

I think A. Wyeth said that the ear and an egg were the two hardest things to render. I've tried both and love how you can get lost in the shadows and shapes. Brilliantly done...pun intended.

Ginny Stiles said...

I have done a few little "sketchy" eggs that didn't really have to be so perfect. No lightbulbs. I'll take your word for it. But it's vases that get to me. Curvy vases. I know the trick about drawing one side and then tracing it and turning the paper over and using the tracing for the other side. (hey I wonder if that would work on lightbulbs?

Unknown said...

LOL !!! cute light bulb Dave!!!

David Lobenberg said...

Golf ball, Autumn?! My idea of artistic hell!

David Lobenberg said...

Ann, In my acrylic painting class this Saturday, I will be demonstrating how to paint a tomato. Not easy at all but still better than painting an egg!

David Lobenberg said...

Thanks, Dominque.

David Lobenberg said...

Kathy, I declare you my egg painting guru!!!!

David Lobenberg said...

Sandy, you hit the nail on the head...it's all about getting lost in the shadows and shapes. Isn't everything we paint that?

David Lobenberg said...

Ginny, that would works, but where is the challenge in that? Do it free hand and go nuts!

David Lobenberg said...

Alex, I wanted a lean and mean light bulb and got this cute one instead!

lifeartist said...

I must be a very cruel beginning drawing teacher. I require homework drawings of eggs. I tell them they are to consider the eggs to be actors and they are Steven Speilberg. They have to provide the setting and the special effects. The results are eggstrordinary. They are also eggstremely sick of eggs when they are done.

Ana Márquez said...

Ha, ha, yes, yes, it isn't easy at all :-)

I like yor work. Greetings!

Carol Nelson said...

Wandering around the internet, I just came across your entertaining blog. Is the self portrait blog still in operation? I have one I would like to submit.
I also have 50 others on my 100 portraits in 100 days project now in it's 50th day.

David Lobenberg said...

Lifeartist, Your egg assignment sounds fun! I'd like to see some of the results.

David Lobenberg said...

Greetings back, Anna and gracias!

David Lobenberg said...

Hi Carol. I'm going to have to check out your portrait project. I'm hoping to get another self portrait challenge going again on my other blog. Just need to come up with a compelling idea.

Barbara Muir said...

I am itching to agree with you. The very thought of all round and oval, and combinations of the two images makes my head itch with nerves. And yet ... Look at you! You've done such a great job with this.

Man you can paint.

I've given you the Sunshine Award for positive and creative blogging, because you not only teach me things, you make me laugh.

Take care,


David Lobenberg said...

Thanks for the Sunshine Award, Barbara! I'm so, so glad that you didn't pick a fight with me. Cross border disputes can get out of hand and lead to poor international relations. America and Canada has maintained a very cordial relationship for many, many years, and you and I certainly do not want interfere with this state of affairs. Heh?

Anonymous said...

You may have fought with this bulb but you sure won.

Anonymous said...

I had tried the bulb long back. Here is it- http://harishbaliga.blogspot.com/2009/03/filament-bulb.html

Anonymous said...

Well after my first drawing class I know you are right.

David Lobenberg said...

Thanks comrade Bonnie!

David Lobenberg said...
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David Lobenberg said...

Good job on your clear light bulb, Harish!

Pragya Chhajer said...

i've been given a task to sketch the bulb for my portfolio for a design institute! and i thought i hated human figures!!

David Lobenberg said...

Pragyar, Yep, light bulbs and eggs are definitely NOT easy. All the best with your portfolio!